Monday, August 2, 2010

Progress! The finish Line is Getting Closer!

It's been 24 hours since the induction process began, and I'm excited to say things are starting to happen! The doctor came in to do an exam and decided to break her water. That was a few hours ago, and now she is dilated to 3. The contractions have started getting closer together and more intense, so needless to say, the pain has increased as well. She just got an epidural about 30 minutes ago, and is sleeping for the first time since she's been here! Delivery is still a few hours off, at the earliest. Right now everyone is sleeping and getting rested up for the big event. Except for me; I just had my second Starbucks of the day. Brilliant, huh? Well, I guess that means I'll be here to bring you the latest and greatest on baby Carter's entrance into the world!



  1. Jennifer,

    I love the updates!!! I am so glad you are up drinking Starbucks. I knew from first site today I could count on you for updates. So glad Miss Julie is getting some rest. I hope my dear Jason is resting as well. He did have that deer in the headlights look earlier. It is so fun to watch the anxious parents while they wait for the young man who will bring joy to all our lives. Bless you dear friend for keeping us all updated.


  2. Thanks Jen, This is so much fun! Makes us all feel like we are there with u guys! We are anxiously awaiting :)

  3. Good Morning....

    5:30 A.M. No messages hopefully baby is getting close and everyone was able to get some rest.

